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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

US Republicans find flaws in Iran Nuclear Deal,call it unacceptable

Even as the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal signed by Iran  and six world powers (US,UK,China,Russia,Germany and France)on Tuesday July 14,2015 in Vienna,Austria was hailed as “historic moment” and "new chapter" by the United States, Tehran and the European Union, the accord drew flak from Israel and American Republicans who minced no words in branding the agreement as “unacceptable”

Republicans have pledged to vote against the deal, calling it unacceptable.
US House Speaker John Boehner slammed the agreement saying it had the potential to stir a nuke arms race in the Middle East.

Despite the Republicans' open repudiation of the deal, it is highly unlikely that they can put obstacles in the way of its implementation as President Barack Obama in his speech made it clear that he will veto any legislation blocking the deal.

US Congress has 60 days to consider the deal

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