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Sunday, July 19, 2015

North Korea's local elections Sunday July 19,2015

North Korea is holding its first local elections since Kim Jong-un came to power in 2011.Kim Jong-un took over power from his father Kim Jong-il who died on December 17, 2011

Sunday's elections, which are held every four years, will select deputy positions at provincial, city and county assembly levels.

There is only one candidate on the ballot for each post, selected by the governing coalition and closely overseen by Kim's Workers' Party.

There are two ballot boxes in voting venues; one is for 'yes' and the other is for 'no'. Nobody dare to put his or her ballot into the 'no' box

Theoretically, voters can decide to vote against the proposed candidate; however that is considered as treason, so the expected positive response of the voting of those who enter it is unsurprisingly close to 100 percent.

Refusing to vote, or voting for someone other than the one approved candidate, is taken as an active challenge to the Supreme Leader's Guidance system since one is rejecting the choice they offered

The last local elections, in July 2011, had a 99.82 percent voter turnout

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