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Friday, July 10, 2015

Greece submits bailout proposal to eurozone partners ahead of deadline Thursday July 09,2015

Greece has submitted its promised detailed bailout proposal to its eurozone partners in a last-ditch effort to save its collapsing economy and its membership in the European single currency

Greece has submitted a fresh proposal to the EU in a bid to secure a 53.5 billion euro ($59bn) rescue package to help cover its debts until 2018 and stave off bankruptcy.
Greece on Thursday July 09,2015 submitted an economic plan that included a slew of tax hikes, pension cuts and spending cuts in return for the three-year aid package.
The Greek government will ask the country's parliament on Friday to authorise it to negotiate a list of "prior actions" it would take before any fresh aid funds could be distributed.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras spent Thursday with his cabinet drafting the last-ditch package of measures on which Greece's survival in the eurozone hinges.
A further vote at  Greece's parliament would be needed to turn them into law if eurozone leaders agree at a summit on Sunday that the proposals are a basis for starting negotiations on a three-year loan and releasing some bridging funds to keep Greece afloat

The delivery of the proposal was before the deadline set for by 10:00pm Thursday July 09,2015 GMT (8:00am AEST)

Prime minister Alexis Tsipras vowed "concrete proposals, credible reforms, for a fair and viable solution" in his bailout request for billions of euros, the third plan Greece has asked for in five years

Leaders of the 28-nation European Union, including the 19 states that share the euro, are to hold a summit on Sunday July 12,2015 billed as the "final deadline" for a deal.



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