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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ovarian Cyst - All You Need To Know

What is Ovarian Cyst?

Cysts are small, fluid-filled (liquid or semiliquid like) sacs that form on the ovaries, which can range in size from millimeters to more than five centimeters. The reason why one must know about ovaries is that these are the main source of female hormones which control the development of body characteristics like breasts, body shape, and body hair.

How are ovarian cysts formed?

A small cell or follicle forms in the ovaries, whenever a woman ovulates. This breaks when the egg is mature and ready to be fertilized. One can also develop what's called a corpus luteum cyst, a cavity that forms after the follicle ruptures and releases the egg. If the cysts are small (about one to two millimeters), they can pass in a few weeks. But if they are big, they can create difficulties and one may have to consult a doctor.

What are the Symptoms?

The symptoms for cyst formation include swelling or pain in the lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and bloating. An initial symptoms of cyst formation is unbearable pelvic pain. This is followed by some common symptoms which include constant ache in the lower back, legs, and thighs, tenderness in the breast tissue, irregular periods, heaviness, passing stools and excessive pain while having sex.

What are the causes of ovarian cysts?

Cysts can be caused due to endometriosis, hormonal imbalance pregnancy, and severe pelvic infections. The functional cysts are cured on its own without any medication or surgery. But the major problem arises when pills are used to ovulate which can at times create further health problems.

Can these lead to Cancer?

There is the slightest chance that this may turn into ovarian cancer. Women who are going through menopause are more prone to ovarian cancer. The first thing one needs to do to is get an ultrasound done. An ultrasound can help determine if the cyst is fluid (a functional cyst) or whether it's solid (possibly a tumor).

Does it affect in pregnancy?

One unknown fact about ovarian cysts is that these continue to grow even during pregnancy. Sometimes it can rupture or cause twisting during childbirth. Nevertheless, they are benign and harmless.

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