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Tuesday, February 21, 2017


The World Health Organisation (WHO) identifies drink driving as one of the leading causes of accidents and deaths and one of the five key “risk factors” for deaths on the world’s roads. In 2015, according to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, some 6,777 individuals in India lost their lives as a direct consequence of drink driving.

India suffers from poor law enforcement for road safety norms in general, and drink driving in particular. The WHO gave enforcement of these laws a low 4 on 10 in its Global Report on Road Safety 2015. Additionally, existing laws in the country do not meet the international public health organisation’s standards of best legislative practice because they do not differentiate between alcohol limits for the general population and novice drivers.

Here is a look at what other countries have done to successfully bring down their drink driving rates.

1. China
Blood Alcohol Content Limit: 0.02% to 0.08% – 6 months licence suspension
                                                      Over 0.08% – 3 years imprisonment, 5 years licence suspension
2. Brazil
Blood Alcohol Content Limit: 0% to 0.06% – 12 months licence suspension and fine
                                                      Over 0.06% – 6 months to 3 years imprisonment

3. Singapore
Blood Alcohol Content Limit: 0.035% to 0.09% – $2000 to $4000 (₹9,500 to ₹19,000) fine & 1 to 3 year licence suspension
Over 0.09% – $5000 (₹23,000) fine and 6 months to 3 years imprisonment
4. Australia
Blood Alcohol Content Limit: General population – 0.05% – punishment as prescribed by states’ law
                                                      Learners – 0% – punishment as prescribed by states’ law
5. France
Blood Alcohol Content Limit: General population – 0.05% – €135 to €4500 (₹9,800 to ₹3.2 lakh) fine and possible imprisonment
                                                       Drivers with less than 3 years of experience – 0.02%

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