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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

6 Effective Poses for Healthy and Strong Hair

1. Anuloma Viloma

Sit with your eyes closed in the Padmasana pose and rest your hands on your knees. With your right thumb, close your right nostril and inhale as much oxygen as you can through the left nostril. Remove your thumb from the right nostril and exhale. Use your middle finger to close your left nostril while you exhale and then inhale with your right nostril and exhale. Do this with focus and concentration for about 5 minutes. “Anuloma Viloma helps in improving the working of the lungs and to cure depression and tension which is the ultimate cause of hair fall,” 

2. Kapalbhati Pranayam

Sit with your spine straight, eyes closed in Padmasana. Now inhale deeply with both the nostrils and fill your lungs with air completely. Now exhale through both the nostrils forcefully such that you feel the pressure in your stomach. Repeat this for 5 minutes. It adds luster and beauty to the face, reduces stress from the eyes and helps in curing dark circles. It also combats the problem of blood circulation in the whole body and helps in hair growth.

3. Surya Namaskar

“Surya Namaskar is the pack of all the asanas and the whole set of Surya Namaskar is composed of 12 yoga poses, says Yoga Instructor Abhishek of Mystic Yoga CafĂ©. “It is a great cardiovascular workout which helps to reduce weight around the stomach. It also helps in improving blood circulation in the whole body. Because of the active process of inhalation and exhalation, the lungs get ventilated and the blood remains oxygenated.”

4. Sirsasana

Popularly known as the Headstand, it is tough to master this pose but once you do, it can help you in many ways. Sit with your knees on the floor and hips resting on the heels. Bend forward and keep your forearm on the floor, interlock the fingers of both hands. Press the back of the head against the inside of the interlocked fingers and place the top of the head on the floor. Raise the knees of the floor while firmly placing the toes on the floor and lifting the heels. Inhale and hold the position for as long as you can and slowly exhale and get back to the original position. It not only has physical benefits but many mental benefits as well.

It helps in increasing the focus, relieves stress and increases the blood flow to the head and the scalp resulting in hair growth and preventing them to fall.

5.  Utthanasana

Stand straight with your feet together. Take a deep breath and extend your arms high up as you slowly exhale, bend forward and try to touch the floor or toe with your palms. Stay in the same position and count till five and breathe normally. Slowly straighten while inhaling deeply. If you are not able to do so, then you can fold your hands, buckle each elbow with the opposite hand. This asana helps in distressing and alleviates all the anxiety and tension, which are the causes of hair fall. It also allows blood to circulate properly to the scalp which helps in hair growth.

6. Balayam Yoga

Balayam yoga is very simple and affective, which was popularised by Baba Ramdev. This asana can be performed anytime and anywhere. You just have to curl your fingers inward and rub the nails vigorously. Rubbing the nails continuously for 5 to 7 minutes can help with hair growth. It can also help in curing dandruff and prevents premature greying of hair.

Along with yoga, it is very important to add a healthy, balanced diet in your daily routine. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, sprouts, cereals, pulses and dairy products which will provide the much needed nourishment to the hair and prevent them from falling. 

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