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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Bosnia women protest at ban on headscarf

Hundreds of Muslim women wearing the traditional Muslim headscarf also known as hijab protest in Sarajevo"s historical center, on February 7, 2016 

About 2,000 women in Bosnia have protested against a ban on wearing Islamic headscarves in courts and other legal institutions. 

The ban includes all religious symbols but explicitly mentions the hijab.

The women marched for around an hour through the capital, Sarajevo.

Hijab-wearing was banned by the communist authorities while Bosnia was still part of the former Yugoslavia until 1992, when it declared independence.

The protest came in response to a decision by Bosnia's high judicial council, which supervises the functioning of the judiciary, to ban "religious signs" in judicial institutions.

Some of the women held signs saying "The hijab is my right".
A participant holds up a placard as hundreds of Muslim women wearing the traditional Muslim headscarf also known as hijab protest in Sarajevo

Protest organiser Samira Zunic Velagic said the ban was a "serious attack against Muslim honour, personality and identity" and said it was aimed at depriving Muslim women of their right to work.

The ban has also been condemned by Muslim political and religious leaders.

Muslims make up about 40% of Bosnia's 3.8m population. The others are mostly Orthodox or Catholic Christians

What's the difference between a hijab, niqab and burka?

Hijab, niqab, burka - there are lots of different kinds of coverings worn by Muslim women all over the world.
Some wear a headscarf to cover their head and hair, while others wear a burka or niqab, which also covers up their face.

The word hijab describes the act of covering up generally but is often used to describe the headscarves worn by Muslim women.
Woman wearing a Hijab

These scarves come in many styles and colours. The type most commonly worn in the West covers the head and neck but leaves the face clear. 


The niqab is a veil for the face that leaves the area around the eyes clear. However, it may be worn with a separate eye veil.
Woman wearing a Niqab
It is worn with an accompanying headscarf.


The burka is the most concealing of all Islamic veils.
 Woman wearing a Burka
It is a one-piece veil that covers the face and body, often leaving just a mesh screen to see through


The al-amira is a two-piece veil. It consists of a close fitting cap, usually made from cotton or polyester, and a tube-like scarf. 

Woman wearing an Al-Amira


 The shayla is a long, rectangular scarf popular in the Gulf region.
Woman wearing a Shayla
 It is wrapped around the head and tucked or pinned in place at the shoulders.


The khimar is a long, cape-like veil that hangs down to just above the waist.
 Woman wearing a Khimar
It covers the hair, neck and shoulders completely, but leaves the face clear.

The chador, worn by many Iranian women when outside the house, is a full-body cloak.
Woman wearing a Chador

 It is often accompanied by a smaller headscarf underneath

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