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Monday, February 8, 2016

2016 US Presidential Election - New Hampshire Primary Tuesday February 09,2016

The New Hampshire Primary, also known as the first-in-the-nation primary, will be held on Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Historical Winners: (by year)
2012: Mitt Romney (R)
2008: Hillary Clinton (D), John McCain (R)
2004: John Kerry (D)
2000: Al Gore (D), John McCain (R)
1996: Pat Buchanan (R)

This will be the first actual primary vote taking place after the Iowa Causuc on February 01,2016 , which are not technically the same as a primary

. Unlike Iowa, where the caucus chooses delegates to the county convention, which then choose delegates to a state convention, and then the national convention, the New Hampshire primary chooses the delegates who will serve at the national party conventions which will select the nominee.

 One of the main differences between a caucus and a primary is that a caucus is organized by the political parties, whereas a primary is organized usually by the state board of elections as a regular election would be.

Democrat Bernie Sanders beats Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump Wins 

Donald Trump won the Republican primary in New Hampshire while Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side, indicating massive public support for the unconventional politics that they both represent

Donald Trump and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont harnessed working-class fury to surge to commanding victories in a New Hampshire primary that drew huge turnout across the state. The success by two outsider candidates dealt a remarkable rebuke to the political establishment, and left the race deeply unsettled.

Donald Trump, the wealthy businessman whose blunt language and outsider image have electrified many Republicans and horrified others, benefited from an unusually large field of candidates that split the vote among traditional politicians like governor John Kasich of Ohio and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida

By winning so handily, the brash New Yorker and the blunt Vermonter asserted themselves as political forces that their parties and their opponents must quickly reckon with

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