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Sunday, February 14, 2016

2016 Central African Republic (CAR) Presidential Run-Off Sunday Feb 14,2016

Central African Republic (CAR) is one of the world's most unstable countries and was thrown into political chaos three years ago when mostly Muslim Seleka fighters toppled President Bozize.
Christian militias responded to Seleka abuses, with attacks carried out against the Muslim minority community.
After regional pressure, an interim administration took charge in January 2014 and later that year a 10,000-strong UN force took over the peacekeeping mission.
The north-east of the country is now mostly under the control of Muslim rebels while Christian militias hold sway the south-west.
Thousands died in the fighting and roughly a fifth of the population is thought to have been displaced.

The CAR General elections were held  on December 30,2015 to elect the President and National Assembly

The elections were delayed several times, the original elections having been scheduled for 18 October before being postponed, whilst the second round of the presidential elections was due to be held on January 31, 2016

As no presidential candidate received more than 50% of the vote, and following the annulling of the results of the National Assembly elections by the Transitional Constitutional Court.The second round of the presidential elections and a re-run of the parliamentary vote will take place on 14 February 2016

First Round Presidential Election Results
Provisional results announced by Marie-Madeleine Nkouet, the President of the National Election Authority, on January 07,2016 showed Anciet Georges Dologuélé in first place with 23.78% of the vote and Faustin Archange Touadéra in second place with 19.42% of the vote. 
The Transitional Constitutional Court approved the final results on 25 January, putting Dologuélé in first place with 23.74% of the vote and Touadéra second with 19.05%
Second Round Presidential Election Sunday Feb 14,2016

Voters in the Central African Republic (CAR) are going to the polls for the second round of presidential elections. 

The vote is being seen as a significant step towards restoring peace, stability and democratic government

Both presidential candidates, former prime ministers Faustin Touadera and Anicet Dologuele, have pledged to restore security and boost the economy.

Anciet Georges Dologuélé served under President Ange-Felix Patasse between 1999 and 2001, and Mr Touadera was prime minister under President Francois Bozize between 2008 and 2013.

Anciet Georges Dologuélé has promised voters a break from the country's recent violent past, with the campaign slogan "united we will win".
Faustin Archange Touadéra is portrayed by supporters as a peacemaker who can bridge the Christian-Muslim divide

Communal reconciliation and reigniting the country's sluggish economy have featured prominently as campaign themes

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