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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Kim Searle, who enters 100 contests a day and win prizes including a TV, furniture and luxury holidays

Kim Searle(50)bookseller has won so many competitions that she has accumulated £100,000 worth of prizes – thanks to her fail-safe tactic of entering 100 competitions a day.

Kim Searle follows a rigorous daily plan to ensure the best returns.Before lunchtime she scours the internet, magazines and grocery packets for competitions, entering as many as she can, and spends a couple of hours in the evening hunting for contests while she watches TV.
While most of the competitions she enters are free, she admits to spending around £150 a year on her habit.

Kim Searle said: ‘I’m looking all the time, even when I’m on holiday

Kim Searle,who runs an online book business with her husband, has won everything from holidays to Australia, Disneyland and Hawaii to flat screen TVs, games consoles, clothes and gadgets
Kim Searle's kitchen is also full of her winnings - from the toaster and coffee maker to the cutlery she won 20 years ago
Kim Searle won most of her bedroom furniture through competition

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