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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

British Labour Party Leader Ed Miliband Oppose Page 3 pin-ups Wed Sep 25,2013

There is no place in the modern world for pictures of topless women in newspapers like The Sun, Ed Miliband said

Ed Miliband said he will not ban Page 3 pin-ups if he becomes prime minister after the 2015 general election
"I'm not in favour of banning it. I do think though that Page 3 is a total anachronism in this day and age.
"We have got a free press in this country and I think a ban on that is not right, but I will say to you very squarely, this is an issue I take very seriously.
"When I think about my two young sons - who admittedly are two and four at the moment - I don't want them growing up in a country where the perception of women and young girls that they're given is simply as sex objects."

Ed Miliband said he was ready to speak with Sun Editor David Dinsmore about his objection to the pictures, saying he did not want his sons Daniel and Samuel to grow up in a society where women were portrayed as sex objects

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