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Friday, November 18, 2016

World Toilet Day - November 19

World Toilet Day (WTD) is a campaign to motivate and mobilize millions around the world on issues of sanitation

Originally established by the World Toilet Organisation in 2001, this day to draw attention to global sanitation issues is marked each year on November 19

In 2013, the United Nations (UN) passed a resolution recognizing WTD as an official UN international day (UN Resolution A/67/L.75

It was estimated in 2015 that 2.4 billion (about 1 out of 3 people) lack access to improved sanitation facilities, and just under 1 billion continue to defacate openly

Sanitation is a human right, just like the human right to water

 Lack of access to sanitation impacts on health, dignity and safety

Each year of the World Toilet Day has a different focus
  • In 2012, the slogan was “I give a shit, do you?”.
  • 2014: The theme was equality and dignity.The campaign strived to inspire action to end open defecation and put spotlight on existing inequalities in access to sanitation and on risks of assault and violence against women and girls where sanitation access is poor.
  • 2015: The theme was toilets and nutrition. In that year, World Toilet Day was promoted in social media (Twitter) via the #WeCantWait hashtag.
  • 2016: The theme is "toilets and jobs", just like for the World Water Day of that year

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