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Friday, November 18, 2016

Office restroom etiquettes every employee must know

Make sure that the toilet seat is covered when you press the flush button.

It is said that all the harmful bacteria take the air route when you flush. So, keep this in mind the next time before flushing.

•     Always carry a hand sanitizer dispenser with you. It is believed that the soap and liquid dispensers available at sink are not usually in the best of their conditions as they are used by many.

•    Make sure not to use smartphones or any other gadgets in the office bathroom. As soon as you take them out in a toilet, they start inviting airborne bacteria which will exploit your vulnerability even after you leave the restroom.

•    The toilet seat must be wiped thoroughly every time you use it. Keep in mind that your colleagues may not be as hygiene conscious as you are and how poorly they could have used the pot before you went in.

•    The first thing you must do before stepping into a toilet is to make sure that all the required things are there. Example: toilet paper, soap, tissues, hand dryer in working condition, sanitizer etc. This will help you minimise the risk

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