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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Sports star Travis Rudolph joins autistic boy for lunch Tuesday Aug 30,2016

The mother of an autistic child said she was moved to tears when a visiting American Football star joined her son, who was eating alone at school.

 Travis Rudolph, the wide receiver for Florida State, eating lunch with Bo Paske

Travis Rudolph, a wide receiver for Florida State, was visiting a school in Tallahassee on Tuesday Aug 30,2016 when he saw Bo Paske sitting by himself.

His mother, Leah, posted a photo to Facebook, where it quickly went viral.

She said that since that day her son had had no problem finding people to have lunch with him.
"This is one day I didn't have to worry if my sweet boy ate lunch alone," she said.

"He sat across from someone who is a hero in many eyes. Travis Rudolph thank you so much, you made this momma exceedingly happy, and have made us fans for life!"


Autism is a Neurodevelopmental Disorder characterized by impaired Social Interaction,Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication and restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life

While autism is highly heritable, researchers suspect both environmental and genetic factors as causes

Globally, autism is estimated to affect 21.7 million people as of 2013

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