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Monday, September 14, 2015

New Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn chairs his first shadow cabinet meeting in the House of Commons Monday Sep 14,2015

jeremy corbyn 
Jeremy Corbyn has offered an olive branch to moderate MPs fearing a "purge" in his first face-to-face meeting with them.
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The newly-elected leader made clear he would not bring back mandatory re-selection, a device that had been outlawed by Neil Kinnock amid fears it was being used by left-wing activists in the 1980s to remove right-leaning MPs.
The Islington North MP was facing his first meeting on Monday SEp 14,2015 as leader with MPs make up the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP), which will now be a regular fixture in his diary.
Less than 10% of MPs wanted him elected, underlining the battle he faces to win them around and the tension apparent in the room. He entered the room to near silence, and though he received a "warm" reception there were "hostile" questions.
Some feared mandatory re-selection was back on the cards under the left-wing leader, but a Labour source said he made clear to MPs this was not being considered.
He said: "He said he sees no need to change the party rules on the selection of candidates."
The meeting, which lasted just over an hour and included questions on possible flashpoints over Syria and the number of women in top party jobs, was marked by a modest number of rounds of applause, with thanks given the acting leader Harriet Harman and predecessor Ed Miliband


Leader: Jeremy Corbyn 

Deputy leader: Tom Watson

Shadow home secretary: Andy Burnham

Chief whip: Rosie Winterton

Shadow education secretary: Lucy Powell    

Shadow communities secretary: Jon Trickett

Shadow secretary of state for environment: Kerry McCarthy

Shadow defence secretary: Maria Eagle

Shadow justice secretary: Lord Falconer

Shadow secretary for Wales: Nia Griffith

Shadow secretary of state for transport: Lilian Greenwood

Lords Chief Whip: Lord Bassam of Brighton

Shadow leader of the House of Commons: Chris Bryant  

Shadow minister for young people and voter registration: Gloria De Piero

Shadow minister without Portfolio: Jonathan Ashworth

Shadow minister for women and equalities: Kate Green

Shadow chancellor: John McDonnell

Shadow foreign secretary: Hilary Benn

Shadow business secretary and first secretary of state: Angela Eagle

Shadow health secretary: Heidi Alexander

Shadow work and pensions secretary: Owen Smith

Shadow energy secretary: Lisa Nandy  

Shadow culture secretary: Michael Dugher

Shadow secretary for Northern Ireland: Vernon Coaker  

Shadow secretary for Scotland: Ian Murray

Shadow secretary of state for International Development: Diane Abbott

Shadow chief secretary to the Treasury: Seema Malhotra
Shadow leader of the House of Lords: Baroness Smith of Basildon
Shadow mental health minister: Luciana Berger
Shadow Attorney General: Catherine McKinnell
Shadow minister for housing: John Healey  


Jeremy Corbyn's team top team: Deputy leader, party chair and shadow minister for the Cabinet Office Tom Watson, Shadow chancellor John McDonnell, Shadow home secretary Andy Burnham, Shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn, Shadow health secretary Heidi Alexander, (second row left to right) Chief whip Rosie Winterton, Lords Chief Whip Lord Bassam of Brighton, Shadow leader of the House of Lords Baroness Smith of Basildon, Shadow leader of the House of Commons Chris Bryant, Shadow Attorney General Catherine McKinnell, (third row left to right) Shadow chief secretary to the Treasury Seema Malhotra, Shadow business secretary and first secretary of state Angela Eagle, Shadow justice secretary Lord Falconer, Shadow education secretary Lucy Powell, Shadow secretary of state for International Development Diane Abbott, (Fourth row left to right) Shadow secretary for Northern Ireland Vernon Coaker, Shadow secretary for Wales Nia Griffith, Shadow secretary for Scotland Ian Murray, Shadow defence secretary Maria Eagle, Shadow work and pensions secretary Owen Smith, (fifth row left to right) Shadow energy secretary Lisa Nandy, Shadow secretary of state for environment Kerry McCarthy, Shadow communities secretary Jon Trickett, Shadow culture secretary Michael Dugher, Shadow secretary of state for transport Lilian Greenwood, (sixth row left to right) Shadow secretary for women and equalities Kate Green, Shadow minister for young people and voter registration Gloria De Piero, Shadow minister for mental health Luciana Berger, Shadow minister without Portfolio Jonathan Ashworth and Shadow minister for housing John Healey.

Jeremy Corbyn's team top team: Deputy leader, party chair and shadow minister for the Cabinet Office Tom Watson, Shadow chancellor John McDonnell, Shadow home secretary Andy Burnham, Shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn, Shadow health secretary Heidi Alexander, (second row left to right) Chief whip Rosie Winterton, Lords Chief Whip Lord Bassam of Brighton, Shadow leader of the House of Lords Baroness Smith of Basildon, Shadow leader of the House of Commons Chris Bryant, Shadow Attorney General Catherine McKinnell, (third row left to right) Shadow chief secretary to the Treasury Seema Malhotra, Shadow business secretary and first secretary of state Angela Eagle, Shadow justice secretary Lord Falconer, Shadow education secretary Lucy Powell, Shadow secretary of state for International Development Diane Abbott, (Fourth row left to right) Shadow secretary for Northern Ireland Vernon Coaker, Shadow secretary for Wales Nia Griffith, Shadow secretary for Scotland Ian Murray, Shadow defence secretary Maria Eagle, Shadow work and pensions secretary Owen Smith, (fifth row left to right) Shadow energy secretary Lisa Nandy, Shadow secretary of state for environment Kerry McCarthy, Shadow communities secretary Jon Trickett, Shadow culture secretary Michael Dugher, Shadow secretary of state for transport Lilian Greenwood, (sixth row left to right) Shadow secretary for women and equalities Kate Green, Shadow minister for young people and voter registration Gloria De Piero, Shadow minister for mental health Luciana Berger, Shadow minister without Portfolio Jonathan Ashworth and Shadow minister for housing John Healey.

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