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Friday, September 18, 2015

Croatia closes border crossings with Serbia Friday Sep 18,2015

Croatia has closed seven of its eight road border crossings with Serbia following a huge influx of migrants.
The authorities in Zagreb say they had no choice. More than 11,000 refugees have entered the country since Wednesday Sep 16,2015 - the day after Hungary criminalised unofficial border crossings.
Croatia has attempted to take the newcomers to asylum centres - but the overwhelming numbers mean that many people have been left on the streets.
Many have been taken by bus to reception centres but some say they plan to walk to neighbouring Slovenia
Croatian officials said roads leading to the border crossings had also been shut.
The crossing on the main road linking Belgrade and Zagreb - at Bajakovo - appeared to be the only one left open.

Croatian Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic said his country was "absolutely full".
He said his message to the migrants was: "Don't come here any more. Stay in refugee centres in Serbia and Macedonia and Greece. This is not the road to Europe. Buses can't take you there. It's a lie."

Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said the country had "limited capacity".

Faced with thousands of migrants streaming in, Croatia declared Friday Sep 18,2015 it was overwhelmed and would tell those on an arduous trek to reach the safety of Western Europe to keep moving on toward Hungary or Slovenia. With more than 14,000 migrants arriving in just two days, Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic declared that his nation of 4.2 million could no longer cope and asylum seekers could not stay

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