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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Jeremy Corbyn Debuts At Prime Minister's Questions Wednesday Sep 16,2015

In his much-anticipated appearance at the 30-minute Prime Minister’s Question Hour (PMQ) held in the House of Commons on Wednesday Sep 16,2015, the new Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, made his mark by bringing style, substance, and restraint to what is usually a rambunctious free-for-all in which questions and answers are frequently drowned in boos, cheers and heckling from the benches.
Dressed in a grey suit and tie, the former backbencher of Labour politics opened by saying said that PMQ’s had to be more relevant. During his campaign he had heard people say that PMQ time was “too theatrical”, and that “the voices of people are not heard.”
e-mail to the public
Mr. Corbyn therefore sent out an e-mail to ask the public what questions they would like to put to the Prime Minister David Cameron — and was inundated by a flood of 40,000 responses. Mr. Corbyn read out some of these questions to the Prime Minister, the first two on the housing shortage, and the next two on the dismal state of mental health treatment in the National Health Service, an issue close to his heart.
Serious questions got a serious answer from Mr. Cameron, who had come prepared. What followed was an interesting, informed, and despite the deep differences, civil exchange

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