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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Why were the atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

America wanted a rapid victory against Japan and followed policy of bombing of Japan's major cities to force Japan into surrendering. Despite continued air raids Japan refused to surrender. Scared that the Allies might settle for negotiated settlement with Japan, President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb.
  • » The first bomb was dropped in Hiroshima on the 6th of August.
  • » When Japan didn' t surrender after the 6th, Nagasaki was bombed
  • » Finally on the 15th of August Japan surrendered to the Allies and on the 2nd of September signed unconditional surrender aboard the USS Missouri, docked at Tokyo Bay.
  • » Another reason cited is that the US wanted to show off its might to its rival, the Soviet Union, and maintain its power over the region

Aftermath of the bombings

Both cities were levelled to the ground completely, with barely any structures left standing. Over 90% of Hiroshima and over 40% of Nagasaki were destroyed. Despite the Nagasaki bomb being bigger, the geography of area prevented large scale destruction, as the hills around were able to contain the blast. More deaths due to exposure to high levels of radiation followed. Even today the effects of the radiation are visible with a high number of birth defects and cancer cases in these areas.
  • » Total no. of casualties in both places is almost 150,000 people.
  • » In Hiroshima, around a 100,000 died instantly.
  • » In Nagasaki close to 50,000 people died instantly. 

Timeline of Atomic Bombings

  • September 1, 1939: World War II begins
  • December 7, 1941: Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, US enters WWII
  • August 13, 1942: The Manhattan Project officially starts
  • July 16, 1945: The Trinity Test (first nuclear bomb test) is done
  • August 6, 1945: Bombing of Hiroshima
  • August 9, 1945: Bombing of Nagasaki
  • August 12, 1945: United States contacts Japan to accept surrender
  • August 15, 1945: Japan announces surrender on radio
  • September 2, 1945: World War II officially ends

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