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Sunday, June 7, 2015

2015 Turkey Parliament Election Result -Ruling party AKP (Freedom and Justice Party) lost majority Monday June 08,2015

Ruling party wins most votes but loses parliamentary majority

Turkey's ruling party AKP (Freedom and Justice Party) lost majority in the parliament election held on Sunday June 07,2015, facing the lowest vote share ever in more than a decade 
Out of over 99.9% counted, Erdogan's AKP fetched 41 % vote, plummetting remarkably from its last year's mark.AKP remains the single largest party and the runner up were the Republican People's Party (CHP) with 25 percent vote. The third lasrgest party was the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Meanwhile, pro-Kurdish party HDP has for the first time crossed the 10% barrier, and fetched 13% - enough votes to enter the Parliament

The AKP is set to collect only 258 seats in the 550-seat parliament, falling 18 short of the majority.

It is the first time in last 13 years since 2002 that the ruling party has lost majority and will have to enter into an alliance with any other party to be able to govern in a coalition.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has been at the helm of Turkey's politics since 2003, chose to become the president last year in the hope of rewriting the constitution after this election, expecting a full-throttle victory. However, Turks obviously did not want this.

The opposition parties including the CHP and the MHP hailed the results, calling it as "marking an end of an era".
 The CHP spokesperson Haluk Koç said Erdoğan was the real loser of the election. "The real winner of this election is democracy. Turkey has won, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has lost,"

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