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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Yemen appoints Khalid Bahah as new prime minister

 Khalid Mahfouz Bahah addresses parliament in Sanaa Yemen on 19 May 2014
The president of Yemen, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, has appointed Khalid Bahah as his prime minister
The move was welcomed by Shia Houthi rebels, who brought down the previous government last month.

It is hoped that the former UN envoy's appointment will bring an end to Yemen's political unrest.

Last week the rebels rejected the nomination of Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak for prime minister but suggested Mr Bahah as an alternative.
Under a UN-brokered deal aimed at stopping the deadly clashes, it was agreed that a new government would be formed, while the Houthis and southern separatists would appoint a new prime minister.
The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah (Partisans of God), have staged periodic uprisings since 2004 to win greater autonomy for their northern heartland of Saada province.

The new prime minister hails from Hadramawt in the east of the country. He studied business and administration in Yemen and India before being appointed as the country's ambassador to Canada.
He later returned to Yemen as its oil minister before becoming envoy to the UN.

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