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Friday, August 23, 2013

Robert Mugabe Sworn in as Zimbabwe President Thursday Aug 22,2013

 Robert Mygabe(89)pledged "to observe, uphold and defend the constitution of Zimbabwe" in an oath administered by Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku, extending his 33-year rule

Robert Mugabe took the oath of office at a 60,000-seat sports stadium filled almost to capacity. Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku bedecked him with a green, red, black and gold presidential sash and the gold chain of office

Previous inaugurations after elections since independence have been held in the gardens of Mugabe’s State House offices before small numbers of VIPs and invited guests. There was no official explanation why this event was made into a massive inauguration

Soldiers fired a 21-gun artillery salute as military jets flew overhead. Musicians played for the crowds, many wearing the regalia of Mugabe’s party, flags and cotton cloth emblazoned with his portrait, some of it given out at the entrance gates. Hundreds of helium balloons in the colors of the national flag were released at the Chinese-built National Sports Stadium

Robert . Mugabe had declared the day a public holiday, businesses were closed and downtown Harare was virtually deserted

At the inauguration, elder African statesman Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia sat with other ex-presidents as well as the current leaders of Equatorial Guinea, Tanzania, Mozambique, Namibia and Congo. South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma, the chief regional mediator on Zimbabwe’s crisis, was on an official trip to Angola and sent his vice president instead. Also attending was former South African President Thabo Mbeki, the previous mediator for the Southern African Development Community, a 15-nation political and economic bloc that has supported Robert Mugabe

The main opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change, did not attend the event, calling it “a robber’s party.”

In a typically defiant speech,Robert Mugabe, who was sworn in for another 5-year term at the age of 89, dismissed charges of voting fraud, vowed to press ahead with black ownership of white and foreign-owned companies and attacked gays

Robert Mugabe has been sworn in for a seventh term in office as Zimbabwe's Leader(6th term as President and was first elected as Prime Minister in 1980)

The ceremony had been delayed by a court petition filed by his main rival, Morgan Tsvangirai, over allegations of widespread electoral fraud.But the Constitutional Court dismissed the case, declaring Mr Mugabe's re-election "free, fair and credible".

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