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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Czech Govt Loses Confidence Vote Wednesday Aug 7,2013

The new Czech government lost a confidence vote on Wednesday Aug 7,2013 extending the political instability that has undermined the country since a corruption scandal forced the collapse of the previous Govt in June 2013

In July 2013, President Milos Zeman appointed a close ally, Jiri Rusnok, as Prime Minister (despite the opposition of the main political parties) after his predecessor, Petr Necas stepped down after a senior aide was charged with bribery and abuse of office and several other officials were implicated in the largest graft investigation in the country since the fall of Communism

In the 200-seat lower house of Parliament, Jiri Rusnok lost the vote of confidence 100 to 93. Seven members were not present during the vote

Under the constitution, the president has a second chance to appoint a prime minister. He could also decline to name a replacement for Jiri Rusnok before the next elections, scheduled for early 2014.
However, parliament has the power to dissolve itself, which would force early elections.

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