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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hundreds of prisoners are forced to sit together Naked before dawn in Philippine prison in latest clampdown on criminals by President Duterte

Photos showing hundreds of prisoners in a Philippine jail sitting naked while being searched for contraband have triggered accusations of further rights abuses in President Rodrigo Duterte's deadly war on drugs.

The inmates of the Cebu provincial jail were woken before dawn on Tuesday, herded into the jail's quadrangle and forced to strip while anti-drug agents, police and military searched their cells, according to prison officer Rafael Espina.

Photos released by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency and provincial police showed the inmates sitting naked and cross legged in neat rows on the concrete quadrangle, illuminated by spotlights, as armed police guarded them.

A statement released by the drug enforcement agency said the raid had netted "several packets" of methamphetamines and marijuana leaves, as well as knives and mobile phones.

With the photos gaining traction on social media, human rights groups voiced concern.

"This incident clearly amounts to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of prisoners," Amnesty International said in a statement.

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