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Thursday, March 2, 2017

BREXIT - UK PM Theresa May Faces House Of Lords Defeat Over Post-Brexit Rights Of EU Nationals Wednesday March 01,2017

Prime Minister Theresa May faces her first defeat over her plan to trigger Britain's exit from the European Union, with parliament's upper house set to vote on Wednesday March 01,2017 in favour of forcing her to guarantee the future rights of EU nationals.

The House of Lords is holding its second day of detailed debate on legislation, which would give Ms May the power to begin divorce talks, something she has said she plans to do by the end of this month.

Opposition parties in the Lords, where Theresa May's Conservatives do not have a majority, say they have enough support to pass an amendment to the legislation to include a guarantee on the post-Brexit rights of EU citizens currently living in Britain.

Any changes made in the House of Lords would need to be approved by the lower house, the House of Commons, which last month passed the legislation without attaching any conditions, something that may prolong a process the Prime Minister has she wants completed quickly.

"It is disgraceful that the Commons has so far allowed the government to get away with their plan to unfairly use EU nationals as bargaining chips in upcoming Brexit negotiations," said Dick Newby, Liberal Democrat leader in the House of Lords.

"This is a vital amendment that will put pressure on MPs to see sense and give reassurances to the millions of EU nationals living in the UK," the leader added.

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