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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Solar Tariffs Fall to Rs. 4.34


Solar tariffs have fallen to an unprecedented low of Rs. 4.34 a kWhr.

Finnish company Fortum Finnsurya Energy quoted that tariff to bag the mandate to set up a 70 MW solar plant under NTPC’s Bhadla Solar Park tender.
NTPC bid out 420 MW, in six blocks of 70 MW each. The other winners were Rising Sun Energy Pvt Ltd (two blocks for Rs. 4.35 a kWhr), Solairedirect (two blocks for Rs. 4.35) and Yarrow Infrastructure (one block for Rs. 4.36).
13 of the 22 bidders quoted tariffs less than Rs. 5, with the bidder ranked 13, Suraksha Realty, quoting Rs. 4.89.

ACME Solar and Hero Future Energy, which quoted Rs. 4.40 and Rs. 4.44 respectively, came closest to the winning bids.


In November 2015, American renewable energy giant, SunEdison, made news winning solar projects in Andhra Pradesh offering to sell power at Rs. 4.63 a kWhr, a new low then.

In the next month, a joint venture of the Japanese telecom giant, Softbank, and India’s Bharti group, secured solar projects in the same state, also quoting a tariff of Rs. 4.63.

All About Solar Power Projects 

Power Production Mechanism
A Solar Plant comprises photo voltaic cells and inverter for converting Direct Current(DC) to Alternating Current(AC)
Electricity Transmission
The Power produced from Solar Plant would be linked to an AC Feeder Line which would transmit power to the substation
Linking to the Power Grid
From the electricity substation it would be linked to the transmission grid for distributing electricity
Metering of Power Produced
A meter would be installed by the Solar power company at distribution point
Similarly a check meter would be installed by the transmission company


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