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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

French police and special forces launch operation to storm Saint-Denis flat containing up to six Paris terrorists Wednesday Nov 18,2015

2 dead, 7 arrested in Saint-Denis raid targeting Paris attack mastermind Abdelhamid Abaaoud

 Paris attacks' Abdelhamid Abaaoud's cousin blew herself up as cops stormed 'HQ'

The raid was on a flat in the north of Paris - close to the three attacks close to the Stade de France - and not far from the shootings and suicide attacks on Bataclan and a series of bars, restaurants and cafes

Map: The raid was on a flat in the north of Paris - close to the three attacks close to the Stade de France - and not far from the shootings and suicide attacks on Bataclan and a series of bars, restaurants and cafes

Mastermind behind Friday's massacres, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, was believed to be inside the Paris apartment
Female suicide bomber detonated explosive vest after firing on police while one suspect killed by rooftop sniper.A woman 'with long blonde hair' who may be Abaaoud's jihadi bride is said to have fired her AK-47 at police before blowing herself up as an assault squad first stormed the apartment block. As she tried to kill police another terror suspect was killed by a grenade blast.

Five people taken alive from flat and arrested as well as two others 'nearby' as stand-off ended after six hours 
Paris prosecutor refuses to confirm if Abaaoud was in flat and if so if he was captured or killed in the siege 
A police officer with an injured foot is one of at least five police who have been injured in the ferocious gunfight. The terrorists also shot and killed a seven-year-old specialist police dog Diesel, sent into the block
Walking wounded: A police officer with an injured foot is one of at least five police who have been injured in the ferocious gunfight. The terrorists also shot and killed a seven-year-old specialist police dog Diesel, sent into the block

Armed officers hidden behind a bullet proof shield on wheels, left, and others in riot gear and bullet proof vests helped end the stand-off

In their sights: Police move in on the apartment where the female suicide bomber blew herself up after firing an AK-47 machine at officers. At least one other jihadi is also dead 

French police and special forces launch operation to storm Saint-Denis flat containing up to six Paris terrorists 
Mastermind behind Friday's massacres, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, was believed to be inside the Paris apartment
Female suicide bomber detonated explosive vest after firing on police while one suspect killed by rooftop sniper
Five people taken alive from flat and arrested as well as two others 'nearby' as stand-off ended after six hours 
Paris prosecutor refuses to confirm if Abaaoud was in flat and if so if he was captured or killed in the siege 
At least five police have been injured in the ferocious gunfight and the terrorists also shot and killed a police dog 
Witnesses told MailOnline there have been periods of intense machine gun fire and at least seven large explosions
Man who rented flat to 'two Belgians' is arrested and claims: 'I didn't know they were terrorists. It was a favour'
Seven people in total have been arrested in the operation including two people away from the under siege flat, left outside a shopping centre and right near the apartment block
he terror suspect was dragged from the building and broken glass with no trousers on - presumably in case he was wearing a suicide belt - as police trained their weapons on the flat

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