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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Charlie Hebdo responds to Paris attacks: F**k them, we have champagne

French Satirical Weekly Charlie Hebdo has responded to Friday Nov 13,2015's Paris Terror Attacks in its trademark controversial fashion.

The cover of the magazine's latest edition, by cartoonist Coco, depicts a dancing reveller, bottle and glass in hand, with champagne pouring out of holes in his body.

“Ils ont les armes on les emmerde on a le champagne!” the caption reads
English translation: "They have weapons. F**k them, we have champagne."


Charlie Hebdo itself was brutally attacked in January 2015.

The attack on its office -- just a short walk from the Bataclan rock concert hall -- decimated their editorial team, killing some of France's most beloved cartoonists in a rampage that left 17 dead there and elsewhere in the city.

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