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Friday, July 8, 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin Signs controversial anti-terror amendments dubbed "Big Brother" measures


Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed into law a package of controversial anti-terror amendments dubbed "Big Brother" measures by critics that may cost internet companies billions.

The measures, posted online Thursday July 07,2016 by the government, boost the surveillance powers for the security services by requiring communication providers to store users' calls, messages, photographs and videos for six months, as well as metadata for up to three years.

They also have to provide security services with access to this data and any necessary encryption mechanisms necessary to use it.

They also criminalise several offences, lower the age of criminal responsibility to 14 for some crimes and extend prison sentences for online crimes like abetting terrorism.

The passage of the bills through Russia's lower and upper houses of parliament sent shockwaves through the internet and telecoms industries.

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