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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Katie Waissel in a selection of racy swimwear as she sizzles in pre-Celebrity Big Brother photoshoot

 Stunning: Before entering the house Katie Waissel flaunted her fabulous figure in a selection of racy lingerie and swimwear during a glamorous photoshoot
Katie Waissel's currently competing in Celebrity Big Brother  and is hoping to win the crown.
 Flawless: She proudly showed off her impressive range of inkings that ran down both her arms and on her upper thigh
Having enjoyed relative obscurity for many years, Katie Waissel had clearly been honing her fabulous figure before entering the house, as she was seen posing in a selection of racy swimwear during a glamorous pre-CBB photoshoot.
 Enjoying herself: Beaming in every snap, the former X Factor contestant was clearly loving the attention as she posed for the camera
Beaming in every snap, the former X Factor contestant was clearly loving the attention as she posed for the camera.
Striking a pose: Her dip-dyed tresses had been expertly styled into relaxed curls to frame her flawless dazzling complexionBeaming: She's only been in the Big Brother house a week, but Katie has already been raking up her feud with Cheryl from her X Factor days

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