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Friday, July 1, 2016

Google’s undersea cable between the US and Japan goes live Thursday June 30,2016

Thousands of miles of undersea wires now connect the United States and Japan, carrying speeds roughly 10 million times faster than a cable modem.

The $300 million ‘Faster’ cable system is backed by six companies, including 
Google, and runs through the Pacific Ocean from Oregon to Chiba and Mie.


The Faster subsea cable system has 60TBps total capacity – 10 million times faster than a cable modem.

It transmits multiple colours of light over various frequencies, using a repeater to reenergize the light roughly every 37 miles.

It has landing points in Oregon, in the US, and Chiba and Mie, in Japan, but connectivity will extend along the West Coast of the US and to major cities in Japan and other Asian locations. 

After years of planning, construction, and end-to-end testing, the trans-Pacific cable system has finally been completed and began service on Thursday June 30,2016

The subsea cable system can deliver 60 terabits per second of bandwidth 5,600 miles across the ocean, bringing high speed connection to users in the US and Japan. It has landing points in Oregon, in the US, and Chiba and Mie, in Japan, but the benefits won’t be limited only to these areas

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