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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

France's National Assembly votes to extend emergency by 6 months in the wake of Nice attack Wednesday July 20,2016

France's National Assembly voted in the early hours of Wednesday July 20,2016to extend the country's state of emergency for six months following last week's massacre in Nice.

The State of Emergency has been in place since the Paris  attacks in November 2015, and the extension would see the measures -- which give the police extra powers to carry out searches and place people under house arrest -- remain in place until the end of January 2017.

It is the fourth time that parliament has proposed prolonging the state of emergency, and the move now needs to be approved by the Senate.

President Francois Hollande had last Thursday announced a plan to lift the emergency secuirty measures, but changed tack hours later after a truck driver ploughed through a crowd at Bastille Day celebrations in Nice, killing 84 people in an attack later claimed by the Islamic State group.

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