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Friday, July 1, 2016

After Brexit, Czech President Milos Zeman calls for a referendum on exiting the European Union

Czech President Milos Zeman has called for a referendum on exiting the European Union and NATO - just a week after the Brexit vote.

Nearly 50 per cent of Czechs support staying in the EU, while 34 per cent are in favour of leaving, according to a June poll by the Median agency. 

Zeman insisted he himself would vote against leaving when he spoke with voters in a small Czech town on Thursday June 30,2016, Czech Radio said on its website.

'I disagree with those who are in favour of leaving the EU,' the 71-year-old outspoken leftist said.
'But I'll do my best to have a referendum so they can express themselves. The same goes for a NATO exit.' 

The Czech Republic, which joined the NATO Western defence alliance in 1999 and the EU in 2004, does not have a referendum law.

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