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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

European Union(EU)Approves Plan To Relocate Refugees Across Europe Tuesday Sep 22,2015

The European Union approved a plan on Tuesday Sep 22,2015 to share out 120,000 refugees across its 28 states, overriding vehement opposition from four ex-communist eastern nations -Czech Republic,Slovakia, Romania and Hungary

The  interior ministers meeting in Brussels had voted to launch the scheme, backed by Germany and other big powers, in order to tackle the continent's worst refugee crisis since World War Two.

The Czech minister tweeted that he had voted against, along with colleagues from Slovakia, Romania and Hungary, with Finland abstaining

This year's influx of nearly half a million people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Asia and Africa has plunged the EU into disputes over border controls and bitter recriminations over how to share out responsibility.

Eastern states with no tradition of integrating large numbers of Muslims are anxious about the impact on their societies and keen to avoid any signal that might encourage even more desperate people to set sail across the Mediterranean for Europe

Refugees and migrants arriving in Greece and Italy have been streaming north across the continent to reach more affluent nations such as Germany, triggering disputes between governments in central and eastern Europe as they alternately try to block the flow or shunt the burden on to their neighbors.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) said Europe could expect a record one million people to request asylum this year, and almost half would probably qualify to be taken in.

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