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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bo Xilai Case in China

Bo Xilai(64)the former Communist party chief of Chongqing is facing charges of bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power, was also accused of accepting 1.1 million Yuan (around Rs. 1 crore) from a Hong Kong-based company and also charged with abuse of power for covering up the murder of British family associate Neil Heywood who was poisoned by Mr. Bo’s wife, Gu Kailai

The trial of former Politburo member Bo Xilai(DOB July 3,1949) opened on Aug 22,2013 Thursday morning in northeastern China amid tight security, with prosecutors accusing the Chinese politician of taking at least 21 million Yuan (around Rs. 21 crore) in bribes, through his wife and son

The Case

 On Nov 14,2011 Neil Heywood was found dead in his Chongqing hotel room.At the time, local authorities declared he had died from alcohol over-consumption, though his family noted that he was not a heavy drinker.The official cause of death was not scrutinized until several months later, when revelations emerged that Heywood's death was a Homicide, and Bo Xilai was implicated

In October 2011, Heywood reportedly had a business dispute with Bo's wife, Gu Kailai, when he demanded a higher commission for his services. The dispute escalated, with Heywood ultimately threatening to reveal the family's business dealings and overseas assets, estimated to total in excess of $136 million.Neil Heywood was then allegedly poisoned by Gu and an assistant

Wang Lijun,the police chief and vice-mayor in Chongqing whose flight to the US consulate in Chengdu in February 2012 brought Neil Heywood's murder out into the open.

In March 2012  Bo Xilai was dismissed as Chongqing party chief and its related municipal posts and in April 2012 Bo Xilai was suspended from the party's Central Committee and its Politburo, pending investigation for "serious disciplinary violations."

In July 2012 Gu Kailai and her aide Zhang Xiaojun have been charged with "intentional homicide and on Aug 20,2012 Gu Kailai given a suspended death sentence for the murder of Neil Heywood. Zhang Xiaojun is given a nine-year prison sentence.

In Sep 2012 Bo Xilai is expelled from the Communist Party and in Oct 2012 Bo Xilai is expelled from parliament - removing his immunity from prosecution.

On 5 September 2012, Wang Lijun was charged with defection, abuse of power and bribe-taking. After a two-day trial, he was jailed on 24 September for 15 years

In July 25,2013  Bo Xilai is charged with corruption, bribery and abuse of power.

On August 22, 2013 Bo Xilai goes on trial at the Intermediate People's Court in Jinan

Bo Xilai sentenced to life, found guilty on all charges Sep 22,2013

Former Politburo member Bo Xilai was on Sunday Sep 22,2013 handed a  sentence of life in prison, as the Court in Jinan, in Eastern China's Shandong Province. said he had been found guilty of accepting bribes in excess of 20 million Yuan (around Rs. 20 crore)and rejected all arguments put forward by Bo’s defence, ruling that the testimonies provided by his wife, Gu Kailai, and business tycoon Xu Ming, had been corroborated



Sunday’s sentencing laid out, in detail, charges of bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power, appearing to almost completely endorse the case put forward by prosecutors during last month’s 5-day trial.


The court said Bo Xilai(64) would serve a life term in prison, as well as 15 years for embezzlement. The terms would be served concurrently


Bo Xilai has 10 days to appeal the decision at a higher provincial court in Shandong. But in the Chinese one-party system, where the courts are under the ruling party’s thumb, sentences are rarely overturned.  


Chinese Court Rejects Bo Xilai Appeal & upholds life sentence


A Chinese court has rejected the appeal of former politician Bo Xilai and upheld his life sentence for bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power

"The court rules as follows: reject the appeal, uphold the original verdict. This verdict is the final ruling."

The high court in Shandong, the province where Bo's trial was held, accepted his appeal earlier this month.
"The facts of the first instance verdict are clear, the evidence is reliable, sufficient and the sentence is appropriate," the high court said in its ruling, which was posted on its website

Bo Xilai Case Timeline


  • 2 February 2012 -Wang Lijun seeks refuge at the US consulate in Chengdu
  • 15 March - Bo Xilai is removed from his post as party chief in Chongqing
  • 26 March - UK confirms it has asked China to re-examine Neil Heywood's death
  • 10 April - Bo Xilai is stripped of his Communist Party posts and his wife Gu Kailai is investigated over Neil Heywood's death
  • 20 August - Gu Kailai is given a suspended death sentence for the murder of Neil Heywood
  • 28 September - Bo Xilai is expelled from the Communist Party
  • 25 July 2013 - Bo Xilai is charged with corruption, bribery and abuse of power
  • 22 September: Bo Xilai found guilty on all charges and sentenced to life



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