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Saturday, December 1, 2018

ISRO's PSLV-C43 successfully places HysIS, 30 foreign satellites in respective orbits Thursday Nov 29,2018

Nearly three minutes after its lift-off at 9.57 a.m. on Thursday Nov 29,2018, the Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) workhorse, the PSLV, carrying 31 satellites, soared in a trajectory crossing the path of the Sun and sped to inject the country's Hyper Spectral Imaging Satellite (HysIS), dubbed ‘Sharp Eye’, in its intended orbit.

In the course of the next one hour, the team at the Mission Control waited for the PSLV C-43 to come up on the other side of the Equator to insert 30 small commercial satellites from various countries into the orbits requested by the customers.

The HysIS is is an Earth observation satellite primarily to assist in a wide range of applications in agriculture, forestry, geological environments, coastal zones, among others.

The 30 satellites are one each from Australia, Canada, Colombia, Finland, Malaysia, Netherlands and Spain, and 23 from the USA

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