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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

70 years later, a statue for the Mahatma at Rajghat Monday Oct 02,2017

For seventy years, Mahatma Gandhi’s statue, which has found a home in hundreds of locations across the country and the world, wasn’t seen at one important venue: his Samadhi at Rajghat in the national capital.
Here the nation’s founding father was remembered only through the tranquility of green landscaped gardens, a sombre black marble memorial, and two inscribed words — Hey Ram — the words he is said to have uttered as he was assassinated on January 30, 1948.
However, on Monday, Mahatma Gandhi’s 148th birth anniversary, the government decided to change that.
“Over 10,000 people visiting Rajghat daily and foreign dignitaries pay homage to the Father of the Nation at the simple black stone platform marking the place where Gandhiji was cremated,” the government explained in a press release, marking the unveiling of the 1.8 metre replica by Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu. “The new statue would offer another spot for them to pay their respect to the great soul,” the release said.
The statue made by the famous sculptor Ram Sutar is installed in the parking area of the Rajghat Samadhi Complex, with the quote,“Be the Change You Wish to See” inscribed below.
Those involved in the construction of Rajghat in 1956 say the original design by architect Vanu Bhuta had been chosen for its austerity and symbolism. “The Government of India had invited proposals from people/professionals for the design of a memorial,” recalled M.P.V. Shenoi, who went on to become one of the most senior engineers with the public works department, in a 2014 blog.
Eventually, Mr. Shenoi recalled, in a decision overseen by both Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Chief CPWD architect Habibur Rahman, the proposals that had images or figurines of the Mahatma were rejected for the simple design from noted architect Vanu Bhuta. “The enclosed brief said it reflected profound austerity, love for nature, and living with nature [that] Gandhijiloved,” Mr. Shenoi said.
One noted Gandhian, who preferred to remain unnamed, said the Samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi has seen other changes, like the eternal flame on the memorial.

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