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Monday, August 22, 2016

Global Slavery Index 2016 Report - 18.3 Million Indians Are ‘Modern Day Slaves’

As many as 18.3 million Indians live in conditions listed as ‘modern slavery’ in 2016, a rise of 4.1 million since 2014, according to a new global report.

This means that 5,616 Indians were enslaved every day over these two years.

On an average, 51 out of every 100 people in India are vulnerable to modern slavery-bonded labour, forced begging, forced marriage, domestic services and commercial sex work, according to the Global Slavery Index 2016 compiled by the Walk Free Foundation, an advocacy based in Australia.

India has the fourth-highest proportion of people living under enslaved conditions, after North Korea, Uzbekistan and Cambodia.

India was at fifth position in modern slavery in 2014, changing place with Qatar, the report said.

“The term modern slavery refers to situations where one person has taken away another person’s freedom – to control their body, their freedom to choose, to refuse certain work or to stop working – so that they can be exploited. Freedom is taken away by threats, violence, coercion, abuse of power and deception,” the Global Slavery Index 2016 report said.

The Asia-Pacific region has the highest number of people living under conditions of modern slavery; almost 46 % of human trafficking is reported from the region.

While 83 % victims are male, around 17 % are female.

Forced and child-marriage are high in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Indonesia.

A sex-ratio imbalance has fuelled the trafficking of women and forced marriage.

Sexual slavery has risen in concert with economic prosperity in India, IndiaSpend reported in April 2016

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