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Friday, July 1, 2016

Women holding some of the most influential positions

Angela Merkel(61),Chancellor of Germany
Often compared with Mrs Thatcher, she also began as a chemist. Seen as the power broker of the EU — although widely criticised for putting out a 'welcome mat' to tens of thousands of migrants. Married (for a second time). No children of her own but has two stepsons.

Hillary Clinton(69),Democractic Party Candidate for 2016 US presidency
Not every feminist's cup of tea, after staying with her serially adulterous husband, Bill. Would be the first leader of the free world to describe herself jokingly as a 'pantsuit aficionado'. Has one daughter with Bill.

Nicola Sturgeon(45),Leader of Scottish National Party and First Minister of Scotland
Trained solicitor who has cleverly taken advantage of the shambles at Westminster to be ever-present on our TV screens — pushing for her dream of Scottish independence. Naturally dark-haired, she recently dyed her hair blonde, lost weight and swapped trouser suits for fitted dresses. Married, no children.

Christine Lagarde(60),Managing Director International Monetary Fund
Former French finance minister — and one-time member of the national synchronised swimming team — was a hardball negotiator with the Greek government during its financial crisis, suggesting it was 'payback time' for its recklessness. Divorced, two sons.

Janet Yellen(69)Chair of U.S. Federal Reserve
Former Harvard professor with the key role, as head of the US central bank, of setting the country's interest rates, so moving the global economy. Married with one son.

Marine Le Pen(47)Leader of France's Front National
Daughter of Right-wing party's controversial founder, charged (but acquitted) with inciting racial hatred when she likened the closure of streets for Muslim prayers to an occupation of French territory. Polls show her ahead in next year's presidential elections. Twice divorced, three children

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