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Friday, April 22, 2016

2016 Earth Day April 22,2016 - Simple ways you can help save the planet

This day, the 22nd of April, is being celebrated as Earth Day every year, a common practice where people across the globe plant new trees in a bid to help preserve and save the planet.

On this day, millions of people led by environmental activists take part in a range of activities from tree planting to picking up litter.

The first Earth Day - April 22, 1970 - marked the beginning of the modern environmental movement.

Few ways you can start doing to make the environment healthier and safer no matter where you live

  • Plant a tree - While this is the most popular, yet might be the the most obvious Earth Day activity, the benefits of planting trees extend far beyond the act’s symbolic nature. Trees clean the air, soil and water, making the earth a livable place.
  • Skip the car and walk to work, cycle or take public transport.
  • Pick up litter/some earth-bags at your surroundings. Remember, more than 1.9 billion tons of litter end up in the ocean every year, thus threatening endangered marine life.
  • Replace your old light bulbs with energy saving fluorescent bulbs. This will help you save on your energy bill and will last longer as well.
  • Try to collect rainwater and save it to water your lawn.
  • Try shortening your shower by just a minute - you could save 150 gallons/month (not a joke)!
  • Unplug appliances, including light bulbs, when not in use because even when turned off, they still consume a large amount of energy, costing you money and consuming precious resources.
  • Skip the bottled water as plastics water bottles are an environmental epidemic. Instead, install a high-quality water filtration solutions or RO water purifiers for your home or offices.
  • Go paperless – try to register for e-bill to receive your credit card bills, phone bills via mail.
  • Remember to turn off your computer when you go to sleep

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