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Monday, November 16, 2015

Susan Carland,an Australian Muslim woman donates $1 to UNICEF for every nasty tweet she receives

 Holding back Twitter
An Australian Muslim woman has donated close to Aus$1,000 (US$700) to charity after pledging to give one dollar every time she receives a hate-filled Tweet.

Susan Carland, who teaches at Monash University in Melbourne, tweeted on October 22 that she was donating to UNICEF for every nasty comment from trolls

Susan Carland said she had previously been blocking, muting, ignoring or occasionally engaging with trolls but decided some months ago to turn it around based on the Koran's injunction of "driving off darkness with light".
"I felt I should be actively generating good in the world for every ugly verbal bullet sent my way," she wrote in a column for Fairfax Media on Friday.
Carland said any Muslim seemed to attract a lot of hate online, and abuse directed at her ranged from wishing her dead, to insults about her dress sense and accusations that she was a "stealth jihadist".
But she said making the donations meant she now barely batted an eyelid when a "ghastly tweet" was served up to her.
"It represents nothing more than a chalk-mark on my mental tally for the next instalment to UNICEF," she wrote.

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