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Friday, November 13, 2015

Google says Happy Children's Day with 'Create Something for India' Doodle 4 Google 2015 winning entry Saturday Nov 14,2015


On the occasion of Children’s Day that also marks the birth anniversary of the India's first prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Google’s homepage is adorned with a special doodle created under its Doodle 4 Google 2015 contest. 

As part of its annual Doodle 4 Google - India contest, the search giant invites entries from children across the country and the winning entry gets featured on its homepage. This year, the theme for the Google 4 Doodle was ‘Create Something for India’

The winning entry by P Karthik from Sri Prakash Vidyaniketan, Andhra Pradesh, shows a Plastic to Earth Machine – an idea aimed at reversing the damage done to the environment due to increased industralisation.

P Karthik describes the doodle –chosen out of 12 finalists- as, “This mega machine to recycle all the waste plastic from our country and make it into a material which helps the growth of mother nature. This machine will turn the most powerful evil plastic into green.”

Other winners include P Ramya under Group 2 category from Prakash Vidyaniketan, Andhra Pradesh for the ‘Green City Dream City’ doodle which is described as, "I would want to create a green city which will only use green resources of energy. It will provide equal opportunity for everyone whether poor or rich."  
From Group 3, ‘Robots – to transform India’ doodle by Ashita Sharma, Mother Mary's School, New Delhi, has been declared the winner. "My 3 robots will make India a better place. Blue robot will catch hold of one who litters and the one who is corrupt. The pink robot will collect taxes while the green robot will aim for a clean and green India," reads the description. 

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