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Monday, November 16, 2015

Astronaut Tweets Stunning Pic of South India From Space

American astronaut Scott Kelly is spending a year in space and has had a great view of the Earth for the last 233 days. He's been onboard the International Space Station since March and it's safe to say he's seen some wonderful sights since.
Luckily for us, Mr Kelly has a Twitter account on which he's been posting photos of some of the more stunning scenes. Like this picture of South India seen from space, speckled by lights and connected by a network of delicate, glimmering threads.
Astronaut Tweets Stunning Pic of South India From Space

That 'NASA picture of India on Diwali night' might have been proved fake but this one, at least, is real as heck.

Mr Kelly also tweeted this picture of Paris after the attack that left 129 dead and several more injured.

Scott Kelly, 51, is one of two astronauts on the year-long space mission. With Russian colleague Mikhail Korniyenko, Mr Kelly is spending 342 days on the International Space Station. A team of scientists are performing medical experiments into how long term spaceflight affects health.

The astronauts will return to Earth in spring next year, landing in Kazakhstan

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