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Friday, December 12, 2014

Italy Trade Unions Strike Over Labour Reforms Friday Dec 12,2014

A general strike has paralysed transport and shut schools and hospitals across Italy, as workers protest against labour market reforms

Thousands of union members took to the streets on Friday Dec 12,2014, from Milan to Palermo in the south
Milan rally, 12 Dec 14

Trade unions say the government's reforms would endanger job security by making it easier to dismiss workers.

But Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says Italy needs mobility of labour.

The centre-left Democratic Party (PD) leader will have to find a way to overcome the striking unions' opposition - something his many predecessors failed to do

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is under pressure from his European partners to revive the Italian economy - Europe's fourth largest - which is mired in recession and laden with debt.

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's flagship reform is a "Jobs Act" aimed at loosening workplace restrictions and reducing Italy's 43% youth unemployment.

The unions say existing regulations are necessary to protect workers from being sacked by unscrupulous companies. They fear the spread of a "hire-and-fire" culture.

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