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Monday, October 7, 2013

Typhoon Fitow Hits Eastern China Monday Oct 7,2013

Typhoon Fitow has rammed into eastern China after triggering the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people

Typhoon Fitow is the 23rd tropical storm to hit China this year(2013)

The Typhoon Fitow has come just weeks after Typhoon Usagi killed at least 25 people in southern Guangdong province.

With winds up to 151km/h (93mph), the storm landed in Fujian province early on Monday Oct 7,2013 bringing heavy rains and causing widespread power cuts

Typhoon Fitow - named after a flower - made landfall at 01:15 local time on Monday (17:15 GMT Sunday) in the city of Fuding, Chinese meteorologists said

The typhoon had affected over three million people in Zhejiang and caused economic damage of over 2bn yuan ($330m; £200m), Xinhua said

Ports are at a standstill as boats have been ordered to take shelter

In Fujian, 177,000 people were evacuated before the storm hit the coast, Xinhua said, while in Zhejiang, some 574,000 people had to leave their homes

Some 35,000 boats in Zhejiang and 30,000 in Fujian were ordered to return to harbour for shelter

Flights to and from Wenzhou airport in Zhejiang were cancelled

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