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Monday, February 26, 2018

US to open embassy in Jerusalem in May for Israel’s 70th anniversary on May 14,2018

The United States said Friday Feb 23,2018  it will relocate its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem in May, bringing forward the contested move to coincide with the Jewish state's 70th birthday -- and enraging Palestinians, who called it a "blatant provocation."

Palestinians object to recognition of the disputed city as Israel's capital and say the embassy move could destroy a two-state solution to the decades-old Middle East conflict.

Palestinians also object to the date chosen for the embassy move -- they call May 14, 2018 on which Israel declared independence in 1948, Naqba, their "day of catastrophe."

Until now, the US embassy has been located in Tel Aviv with a separate consulate general located in Jerusalem that represents US interests in the Palestinian territories.

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