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Friday, June 16, 2017

India re-elected to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

India has been re-elected to the UN's principal organ on economic, social and environmental issues for another three-year term. 

India was among 18 nations to win election to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). 

India obtained 183 votes, the second highest after Japan in the Asia Pacific category.

ECOSOC, one of the six main organs of the United Nations, is the principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as for implementation of the internationally agreed development goals. 

The Council's 54 member Governments are elected by the General Assembly for overlapping three-year terms. Seats on the Council are allotted based on geographical representation with fourteen allocated to African States, eleven to Asian States, six to Eastern European States, ten to Latin American and Caribbean States, and thirteen to Western European and other States

"Another day, another election...India wins again.Thanks to support of @UNMember States, India re-elected to ECOSOC (Eco & Social Council)," India's Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin tweeted. 

Another day, another election...India wins again.
Thanks to support of @UN Member States, India re-elected to ECOSOC (Eco & Social Council)


The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, responsible for coordinating the economic, social, and related work of 15 UN specialised agencies, their functional commissions and five regional commissions. The ECOSOC has 54 members. It holds one four-week session each year in July, and since 1998, it has also held an annual meeting in April 

The Council has 54 member states out of the 193 UN member states, which are elected by the United Nations General Assembly for overlapping three-year terms. Seats on the Council are based on geographical representation with 18 allocated to African states, 13 to Asian states, 8 to East European states, 13 to Latin American and Caribbean states and 13 to West European and other states.

Principle Organs of the United Nations
1)UN General Assembly
2)UN Secretariat
3)International Court of Justice
4)UN Security Council
5)UN Economic and Social Council
6)Un Trusteeship Council 

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