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Monday, June 26, 2017

Using Mobile Banking Apps - 7 Things You Must Keep In Mind

In today’s fast-paced life more and more users are making transactions online, transferring money and even keeping a track of their bank accounts on their mobile devices via Banking Apps. 

However with convenience comes caution that we should follow at all times to keep our money safe.

 Listed below are 7 such precautions that you need to take while using Banking apps on your mobile devices

Security Password

The first and foremost step you need to take even before downloading a banking or money app is to set-up a security lock for your device. Even if you lose it or it falls in wrong hands, your money is safe.


The second step to stay safe is downloading the app from Authority Websites like Google Play Store or iTunes App Store. The best way to downloading your bank’s app is by following the link for android or iOS from your bank’s official website. If you are directly downloading any app from the app store then checking the Developer details is crucial. You need to ensure that you are not downloading a duplicate app from a fishy developer. 

Log Off

Always ensure you log off all mobile banking sessions by Logging Off rather than just closing the app or website.

Delete/Disable Profile

In case your mobile phone is lost or stolen, you should go to your bank’s website and delete your profile. Another scenario for deleting or disabling your profile is in case your phone is broken and you are giving it for repair. You can create your profile later on your new device.


In case you are selling your mobile phone, ensure that you disable all apps, transfer your data and reset the OS.

Other Apps

Be very careful before downloading any other apps on your mobile device if you have banking apps installed in the same device. Do not download apps randomly as your data is vulnerable and so could be your money


Lastly, our mobile devices carry our personal details like no other place. So it is quintessential to have a trusted Anti-Virus on your mobile device too, to keep online security issues at bay

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