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Friday, May 12, 2017

Tamil Nadu Plus Two Results Announced Friday May 12,2017

Around  8,93,262 school students wrote the exams this year out  of which 822838 of them passed, making the pass percentage 92.1 %.

A grading system seems to be introduced in this year’s class 12 results that was announced on Friday morning. No details of the toppers and the schools were mentioned in the official list.

Students who scored above 1180 out of 1200 were awarded Grade A, between 1151-1180: grade B, 1126-1150: grade C and so on. The lowest is grade I for those who scored below 700.

As usual the girls performed better  than the boys. They were ahead by 5.2%. Around 4,51,852 school girls passed the exam compared to 3,76,952 school boys. The one transgender who wrote the exam has passed too.

Out of 6732 Higher Secondary Schools 1,813 private schools scored 100 % pass percentage. Two ninety two  out of 2,640 Government schools achieved 100 % pass percentage.

When it comes to top performers, totally 1171 students achieved more than 1180 out of 1200. 1,22,83 students scored between 1151 – 1180 and 1,48,06 students scored between 1126 – 1150.

When it comes to subject wise performance, no students scored centum in language. The same was the case last year. One eighty-seven students scored the perfect marks in physics, compared to five last year. The biology centum considerably dropped this year with only 221 centums. Last year 775 students scored 100 in the subject. 

Around 3,656 students scored 100 in Maths, which is 295 more than the previous year. For the first time in three years, five students got 100 in micro-biology. Three hundred thirty six and 1,717 students got centums in History and Economics respectively. Students also performed better in computer science this year with 1,647 centum.

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