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Friday, May 12, 2017

Juan Pedro Franco - World's Heaviest Man

The man believed to be the world's heaviest is recovering from biliopancreatic bypass surgery in Mexico, after doctors recommended the procedure amidst fears for the patient's health.

According to local media, thirty-three-year-old Juan Pedro Franco - who has weighed up to 595 kilos (1,311 pounds) - has been largely bed-ridden for the last seven years due to his large size. He was recently put on a diet to help shed some weight but not enough to allay concerns for his life.
The surgery took place on May 09,2017 after Franco dropped 175 kilograms (385 pounds) over the last couple of months, making surgery possible.
Speaking after the surgery in a clinic in Guadalajara, Franco said he would do his best to make his bypass surgery a success.
Franco has battled obesity all of his life, but the problem took a turn for the worse following an injury at age 17. After this time a dramatic increase in weight gain was observed.
His medical team told media they are awaiting to see how much of a loss in weight his body will make from the surgery, but due to Franco's delicate health they are keeping a close eye over the patient.
Threats to Franco's health from his obesity ranges from diabetes to organ failure.
Franco's doctor, Jose Castaneda, operated on Franco together with other specialists. Two anaesthesiologists and a cardiologist watched over Franco's vital signs during the 20 -minute surgery.
According to the World Health Organisation, Mexico is a global leader in obesity with 35 percent of its adolescents overweight or obese.

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