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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Does Mango Make You Gain Weight?

Does mango really make you gain weight?

A lot of people these days avoid eating mangoes as much as they would like. They think that eating mangoes everyday could make you put on weight. According to nutritionist, Jasleen Kaur, “Mangoes are fat free, cholesterol free and salt free and are super fruits for summers. They are great nourishers for the body.” However, whether mangoes make you gain weight or not is still debatable.

“Excess of anything makes you gain weight. Similar is the case with mango, if you eat above the calorie limit, you are bound to gain weight,” explains Jasleen. So, the misconception around mangoes making you gain weight might not be true after all. Maintaining portion control is key here too.

In fact, mangoes can help in losing weight, only if they are eaten within a specified calorie limit. According to Jasleen Kaur, mango is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, iron, copper and abundant potassium that is great for the body. It is an energy food and provides sugar rush to your body keeping you energetic and active throughout the day. However, it is imperative to keep a check on your calorie limit as excess of the intake of mango may bloat your tummy and create problems for digestion.

A medium-sized mango weighs around 200 gm and provides 150 calories with very few amounts of carbohydrate and protein with negligible fat. Therefore, if you eat two mangoes a day, which makes a total of 300 calories, can be eaten throughout the day. “I suggest you to have a mango 30 minutes before your workout session so that you feel absolutely fresh and energetic to perform your best,” says Jasleen.

Indians love to have mangoes after a meal, which means we are consuming extra calories. To avoid these extra calories, that later store as fats in the body, you must refrain from taking mangoes right after a meal to prevent weight gain. It is advisable to savor mangoes around mid-morning or as evening snacks. This way you will be able to save yourself from consuming extra calories

What are the benefits of mangoes?

1. Lowers Cholesterol 
 Mango is extremely rich in vitamin C, pectin and fiber that helps to lower the cholesterol levels and keep the heart healthy.

2. Excellent for the eyes - A cup of sliced mangoes constitutes 25 percent of the vitamin A content that is an excellent agent to keep the eye-sight healthy and prevents night-blindness and dry eyes

3. Alkalines the body- The acids including malic acid, tartaric acid and some citric acid present in the fruit help to maintain the alkaline  content in the body.

4. Fights heat stroke- A juice made from green mango with water added with some sweetener helps the body to cool down from the excess heat present outdoors. It keeps the body cool and does not let you get exhausted easily.

5. Boosts the immune system- A considerate amount of vitamin A and vitamin C in mango with 25 different kinds of carotenoids helps keep your immune system super strong and prevents the body from falling sick in summers.

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